The EU’s “Climate progress”: how should we view an 8.3% fall in emissions?

The European Commission recently reported that “EU greenhouse gas emissions fell by 8.3% in 2023, compared with 2022”. This significant cut was widely welcomed across the press, and while most reporting did adopt measured language in describing the reduction, it was typically referred to as ‘progress’. But progress relative to…

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Skint: a political doctrine masquerading as data-driven analysis?

A comment on the Tim Harford and Channel 4’s Skint: The Truth About Britain’s Broken Economy and how the hand waving dismissal of the climate challenges accompanying the proposed ‘growth’ panacea is not supported by the data. As a frequent listener to “More or Less”, I decided to watch Tim…

Read MoreSkint: a political doctrine masquerading as data-driven analysis?

A habitable Earth can no longer afford the rich – and that could mean me and you

A few days ago I was commissioned by the energy and environment section editor at The Conversation to elaborate on my contribution to the recent Guardian article, “Who are the polluter elite?”. After a few minor edits and references, my expanded text was approved and I was advised that it…

Read MoreA habitable Earth can no longer afford the rich – and that could mean me and you

Some physics for the PM (and journalists) on the UK’s weak and weakening climate record and prospects

This is a quick response to UK Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak’s, cynical backpedalling on the UK’s already weak climate policies. The physics of the climate responds to the build up of emissions in the atmosphere and not Net Zero 2050 or any other random end date. By weakening the UK’s…

Read MoreSome physics for the PM (and journalists) on the UK’s weak and weakening climate record and prospects

Prime Minister’s CCS announcement indicates a government disinterested in addressing climate change

This is a quick response to UK Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak’s, announcement of funding for a carbon capture and storage (CCS) project in Scotland. It also aims to correct the sloppy reporting about the role of CCS on BBC Radio 4’s flagship Today programme (31/07/23). 1. The specific technology is…

Read MorePrime Minister’s CCS announcement indicates a government disinterested in addressing climate change